
Discover the latest in HVAC, Plumbing, and Air Quality and solutions to the most commonly asked questions.

Signs of a Plumbing Block or Clog

Signs of a Plumbing Block or Clog

Plumbing issues are things that no Phoenix or Scottsdale homeowner wants to deal with. Usually there are signs of a plumbing block or clog before they completely stop the water in your Phoenix home from flowing. Let's review.
Are “Flushable” Wipes Truly Flushable?

Are “Flushable” Wipes Truly Flushable?

There are certain things you should just not flush. Do these wipes make the list? Are “flushable” wipes truly flushable?
How to Unblock a Shower Drain

How to Unblock a Shower Drain | Don’t Let Your Bathroom Plumbing Scare You This Halloween

To ensure a backed up shower isn't the thing that scares you this Halloween season, we are going to review how to unblock a shower drain.
I Have No Cold Water

Why do I Have No Cold Water?

Most homeowners don’t even realize that having no cold water happens, but it does. We are going to help you solve the mystery of, “Why do I have no cold water?”
Does Your Home’s Toilet Need Replaced

Does Your Home’s Toilet Need Replaced?

Your Phoenix home’s toilet is perhaps the most crucial part of your bathroom, so if yours is having issues, it can be a major inconvenience. Does your home’s toilet need replaced?
Understanding Different Types of Water Heaters

Understanding Different Types of Water Heaters | What’s Right for your Home?

We are going to review the different types of water heaters you have to choose from, to help you find one that is a fit for your home and family.