
Discover the latest in HVAC, Plumbing, and Air Quality and solutions to the most commonly asked questions.

Best Time for HVAC Maintenance

When is the Best Time for HVAC Maintenance?

With the changing of the seasons, we are often asked, “When is the best time for HVAC maintenance?" We are going to help answer this question and review the importance of air conditioning and heating tune-ups for your home and your comfort.
Warning Signs of AC Failure

Feeling the Heat? Recognizing Warning Signs of AC Failure

We are going to review some of the early indicators of AC problems, emphasizing the importance of timely maintenance and repairs to avoid being left without air in the Arizona heat.
Pre-Summer HVAC Maintenance

Pre-Summer HVAC Maintenance | Getting Your Arizona HVAC System Ready for the Heat

Pre-summer HVAC maintenance is not just a precautionary measure; it's a necessity for comfort and efficiency during the blistering Arizona summers. Let's review further.
Programmable Thermostat Can Save You Money

How a Programmable Thermostat Can Save You Money

We were going to review how a programmable thermostat can save you money, particularly when coupled with regular AC tune-ups, maintenance, and repairs.